
Oklahoma City Wills Attorney

Why Do You Need a Will?

Wills are powerful estate planning tools. Your will allows you to identify your heirs and the person who will handle your affairs if you die.

Your will is part of your minimum estate plan (along with your power of attorney, and healthcare directives). You still need a will even if you have a trust – but only as a “backup” tool. Wills must go through probate to be activated.

Reach out to our Oklahoma City will lawyer to draft your will today. Call  405-842-7626 or contact us online now to get started. 

What Is a Will?

Wills are one of the oldest estate planning tools and one of the most familiar. The proper name of this tool is “Last Will and Testament. ” This means it is the place where you make your final wishes known (the “last will” part) and where you testify (the “testament” part) to how your affairs are to be handled.

Most of us are aware that your will states who will get your things when you die, and how much each person will get. But a properly drafted will is going to do much more than that. One of the most important declarations in your will is selecting who will take care of things. This person is referred to as the "executor" of your will.