Business Consultation

Oklahoma City Business Planning Attorneys

Offering Essential Business Planning Services

Small business are the very backbone of this country. But, today’s business world is fraught with perils. Without proper planning and guidance, your business could become just another statistic – a failure.

Our attorneys can get your new company started off correctly by organizing your LLC or corporation.

Already have a business?

We can help you with everything from:

Contract drafting
Employer-employee issues
Mergers and acquisitions
And many other services

Starting a business in Oklahoma? Reach out to our Oklahoma City business planning lawyers for legal counsel today! Call (405) 896-3615 or contact us online today!

The Secret to Business Success When Starting a Business in Oklahoma

Starting a company in Oklahoma is surprisingly easy – you just open your doors and go to work. It’s as simple as that, but doing it right and ensuring long-term success is a different matter.

There is a reason that most small businesses fail so frequently. Most new small business owners and even veteran business owners make the same mistakes.

But, it’s not inevitable that your business will die. It’s possible and even likely that it will do more than just survive, it will flourish, but only if you know the secrets to success in business.

Here is the secret to your business success:

Have a plan

Have a team

Have perseverance

Your business plan will list your goals and your method for achieving them. One of the most critical steps in your plan is addressing your legal needs from the very beginning.

These legal needs include, among many other factors, forming the right kind of business entity, and doing it the right way (see below, Your Business is Born).

What You Will Need to Succeed

Many small business owners fail to understand, until it’s too late, that they almost certainly cannot start and run their business alone. Every business owner needs a team.

At a minimum, one needs:

An attorney

An accountant

And an insurance agent

Sometimes, other professionals will be on the team too, such as:

A banker

A financial planner

A realtor, etc.

The one other key ingredient for business success comes from deep inside the owner: Perseverance. Business owners that absolutely refuse to give up are the ones that most often find success.


What Is Liability Protection?

Liability protection means shielding your personal assets from your company’s creditors – such as a vendor or a customer that sues you.

If you do not use your new entity the right way, the registration step was a waste of time and money. It would be much like having a seat belt in your car, but never putting it on while driving!

The first step in creating your new company is visiting with your team – particularly your attorney to create the new legal entity. Only a licensed attorney can form your company for you.

This is because, even filling out forms or registering the company on a website is considered practicing law – something that only attorneys are permitted to do.

Need help setting up an LLC in Oklahoma? Give us a call at (405) 896-3615 or contact us online to begin planning for your business today! We serve clients in Edmond & Oklahoma City.