Stop Foreclosure

Stop Foreclosure in Oklahoma City

Our Attorneys Can Help Save Your Home

Receiving a foreclosure notice is one of the scariest things that can happen to a homeowner. Defaulting on your mortgage isn't something that happens overnight, but it often feels that way. Typically, debt begins to slowly accumulate and, before you know it, you're receiving warnings in the mail.

At McBride & Associates, P.C. we understand just how stressful this situation can be, and we are here to help. We can discuss your legal options and determine whether filing for bankruptcy is right for you and your family.

Contact us now at (405) 896-3615 to learn how our Oklahoma law firm can help you stop foreclosure.

How Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Could Save Your Home

One of the most effective ways to stop serious collection attempts is to file for bankruptcy. Several chapters of bankruptcy can reduce or discharge debt, but Chapter 13 can offer a powerful advantage: rescuing your home from foreclosure.

Chapter 13 is a form of debt reorganization. Like all forms of bankruptcy, Chapter 13 triggers an automatic stay, which immediately halts:

  • Collection calls and letters
  • Foreclosure attempts
  • Repossession
  • Liens and levies
  • Wage garnishment

With the automatic stay, you will temporarily be free from the threat of losing your home, as well as many other constant collection attempts. But your freedom from foreclosure through Chapter 13 is not simply a short-term solution.

This form of bankruptcy allows you to establish a reasonable repayment plan using all disposable income in 3-5 years. The plan could incorporate missed mortgage payments so you can become current with your lender.

Every person’s situation requires a personalized strategy. At McBride & Associates, P.C., we can take the time to understand your current circumstances and future goals to determine whether Chapter 13 is right for you.

Stop home foreclosure in Oklahoma. Schedule your free consultation* with us today by calling (405) 896-3615 or contact us online.





How Long Can You Stay in Your Home After Foreclosure?

From the time that you are informed of the foreclosure to the time that your house sells, you are allowed to remain living in it.

A foreclosure can take anywhere from eight weeks to more than a year to finalize, so the amount of time that you have in your home is dependent on your specific situation.
